API Endpoints & Parameters

Here you will find a list of all of the available endpoints for MagicChecklists. Make sure to replace the {{SITE_URL}} with your actual domain URL (for example https://example.com) and also insert your checklist id for {{checklist_id} (for example 123).

You can find the checklist ID in the URL when editing the desired checklist or in your database.


Base URL:


Available Endpoints

/checklistsGETRetrieve all checklists
/checklistsPOSTCreate a new checklist
/checklists/{checklist_id}GETRetrieve a specific checklist
/checklists/{checklist_id}PUTUpdate an existing checklist
/checklists/{checklist_id}/itemsPUTUpdate/create list items
/checklists/{checklist_id}/checked-statePUTUpdate items’ checked state
/checklists/{checklist_id}DELETEDelete a checklist

Request Examples

Method + Endpoint URLWhat it does
GET https://your-domain.com/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklistsRetrieves all checklists
POST https://your-domain.com/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklistsCreates a new checklist
GET https://your-domain.com/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/123Retrieves a specific checklist
PUT https://you-domain.com/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/123Updates a specific checklist
PUT https://your-domain.com/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/123/itemsUpdates and/or created list items for a specific checklist
PUT https://your-domain.com/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/123/checked-stateUpdates the checked state of one or multiple list items
DELETE https://your-domain.com/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/123Deletes a specific checklist.
PUT https://your-domain.com/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/123/notification-settingsRetrieve or change the notification settings of a checklist.

Response Body examples

No JSON body needed for just retrieving all checklists.
Successfully retrieved all checklists.
“id”: 123,
“title”: “New Test Checklist”,
“description”: “This is a test checklist created via API”,
“date_created”: “2024-12-12T13:38:50”,
“date_modified”: “2024-12-12T13:38:50”,
“items”: [
“id”: “item1”,
“content”: “First task”,
“priority”: “high”
“id”: “item2”,
“content”: “Second task”,
“priority”: “medium”
“checked_state”: [],
“_links”: {
“self”: [
“href”: “https://plugin-dev.local/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/193”
“items”: [
“href”: “https://plugin-dev.local/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/193/items”
“checked-state”: [
“href”: “https://plugin-dev.local/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/193/checked-state”
Created a new checklist successfully
“id”: 123,
“title”: “New checklist title”,
“description”: “Yup, it really works!”,
“date_created”: “2024-12-06T21:18:24”,
“date_modified”: “2024-12-12T13:38:27”,
“time_date”: “1733875980”,
“items”: [
“id”: “item11”,
“content”: “It’s working just like it should.”,
“priority”: “low”
“id”: “item12”,
“content”: “fantastic mate!”,
“priority”: “low”
“id”: “item13”,
“content”: “maus ist toll”,
“priority”: “high”
“id”: “item_1733836180047”,
“content”: “new item yauers<br>”,
“priority”: “none”
“keyboard_shortcut”: “Ctrl+A”,
“active”: “1”,
“checked_state_handling”: “per_user”,
“theme”: “light”,
“priority”: “none”,
“enable_item_priority”: “0”,
“trigger_shortcut”: “1”,
“trigger_button”: “1”,
“short_title”: “test”,
“public_access”: “0”,
“public_permission”: “interact”,
“public_checked_state_handling”: “global”,
“priority_display_type”: “color”,
“enable_rate_limit”: “1”,
“checked_state”: [],
“_links”: {
“self”: [
“href”: “https://plugin-dev.local/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/184”
“items”: [
“href”: “https://plugin-dev.local/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/184/items”
“checked-state”: [
“href”: “https://plugin-dev.local/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/184/checked-state”
Successfully retrieved the desired checklist
“id”: 123,
“title”: “New checklist title”,
“description”: “Yup, it really works!”,
“date_created”: “2024-12-06T21:18:24”,
“date_modified”: “2024-12-12T13:38:27”,
“time_date”: “1733875980”,
“items”: [
“id”: “item_1733836180047”,
“content”: “new item yauers<br>”,
“priority”: “none”
“id”: “item11”,
“content”: “It’s working just like it should.”,
“priority”: “none”
“keyboard_shortcut”: “Ctrl+A”,
“active”: “1”,
“checked_state_handling”: “per_user”,
“theme”: “light”,
“priority”: “none”,
“enable_item_priority”: “0”,
“trigger_shortcut”: “1”,
“trigger_button”: “1”,
“short_title”: “test”,
“public_access”: “0”,
“public_permission”: “interact”,
“public_checked_state_handling”: “global”,
“priority_display_type”: “color”,
“enable_rate_limit”: “1”,
“checked_state”: [],
“_links”: {
“self”: [
“href”: “https://plugin-dev.local/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/184”
“items”: [
“href”: “https://plugin-dev.local/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/184/items”
“checked-state”: [
“href”: “https://plugin-dev.local/wp-json/magicchecklists/v1/checklists/184/checked-state”
Successfully updated the specified checklist. Also returns all other settings.
“success”: true,
“items”: [
“id”: “item11”,
“content”: “It’s working just like it should.”,
“priority”: “low”
“id”: “item12”,
“content”: “fantastic mate!”,
“priority”: “low”
“id”: “item13”,
“content”: “maus ist toll”,
“priority”: “high”
“id”: “item_1733836180047”,
“content”: “new item yauers<br>”,
“priority”: “none”
Successfully updated the list items. When the item number did not exist before, it now also created this item as a new item.
“id”: 123,
“checked_items”: [],
“updated”: true
Successfully updated the checked state of your list items.

Request Body Parameters

You have access to all settings of a checklist. Just include the parameters in the body when creating checklists. Make sure to only use the expected parameters for each endpoint, or else the request will fail.

Good to know: You can also make a simple get request to retrieve a checklist, and just use the same parameters that the response is showing you.

ParameterWhat it meansPossible values
titleThe title of the checklist.String, any text or numbers
descriptionThe description of the checklist.String, any text or numbers
time_dateThe deadline for the checklist.Unix timestamp (example 1735686000)
itemsThe list items of the checklist. Is an array.
Expects more parameters inside:
priority (optional)
id: string (like item_1733836180047)
content: string
priority: none / low / medium / high / critical
themeThe theme (appearance) of the checklist.light / dark
activeWhether or not the checklist should be activated.0 / 1
tagsArray of tags for organisational purposes. Every tag also has a color associated.Array
name: string
color: hexcode with #
checked_state_handlingHow the checked states of list items should be handled.per_user / global
priorityThe priority level of the checklistnone / low / medium / high / critical
priority_display_typeColored or numbered priorities. Only applies to list item priorities.color / number
enable_item_priorityWhether or not to use priorities also on list items0 / 1
trigger_shortcutWhether or not a keyboard shortcut should be used to toggle the drawer.0 / 1
trigger_buttonWhether or not a floating button should be used to toggle the drawer.0 / 1
keyboard_shortcutThe desired keyboard shortcut to toggle the checklist drawerString, your shortcut in text. Example: Alt+A
short_titleA short title that is used inside the floating button (instead of the checklist title). If empty, the checklist title will be used.String, any text or numbers
auto_resetWhether or not auto reset should be enabled.0 / 1
reset_intervalSet the interval in which the reset should happen. Use custom for a granular control over that.daily / weekly / monthly / custom
reset_timeThe exact time on which the reset should happen.Expects a time in 24h format. Example:
custom_daysSet the number of days for the reset to happen.String, but only numbers.
custom_weeksSet the number of weeks for the reset to happen.String, but only numbers.
custom_monthsSet the number of months for the reset to happen.String, but only numbers.
public_accessWhether or not a checklist should be accessible by any website visitor, without restrictions.0 / 1
public_permissionThe level of permission for a public checklist. Choose carefully.view / interact / edit
public_checked_state_handlingHow the checked states of list items of public checklists should be handled.per_user / global
enable_rate_limitWhether or not you want to enable the rate limit for checklist actions, such as open / close drawer, check items, add new items etc. Can be helpful for public checklists.0 / 1
access_rolesSet the user roles that should have access to the checklist.Array
WordPress user roles as string. Example: administrator, editor etc.
access_roles_permissionThe level of permission for the user roles you’ve set earlier.view / interact / edit
access_usersSet the individual users that should have access to checklistArray
ID of the user. Example:
1, 123
access_users_permissionThe level of permission for the individual users you’ve set earlier.view / interact / edit
load_everywhereWhether or not to enable the load everywhere condition. When enabled, the checklist will load anyhwere on the site. To have granular control over where the checklist should load, this needs to be turned off (0).0 / 1
allowed_pagesAn array of all the pages the checklist should load on.Array
String, URL slug. Example:
dashboard, bricks-settings etc.
allowed_urlsAn array of all the custom URLs the checklist should load on. Also allows URL patterns.Array
String, custom URL. Example:
/category/*, https://magicplugins.io etc.
notification_settingsThis parameter itself consists of a bigger array. We will present every inner parameter individually. But keep in mind, that all notification parameters have to be inside the array of notification_settings.Array
See below for what needs to be inside here.
notifications_enabledWhether or not notifications should be enabled.true / false
email_enabledWhether or not email notifications should be sent.true / false
integration_enabledWhether or not notifications should be sent via an integration, like Slack or Discord for example.true / false
email_recipientsEnter the email addresses you want the notifications to be sent to.String, comma separated list. Example:
hi@domain.com, service@domain.com
slack_webhook_urlEnter the slack webhook URL from your custom app channel.URL
discord_webhook_urlEnter the discord webhook URL from your custom bot.URL
notify_on_new_itemWhether or not the notification should be sent when a new item is created.true / false
notify_on_delete_itemWhether or not the notification should be sent when an item is deleted.true / false
notify_on_check_itemWhether or not the notification should be sent when an item is checked.true / false
notify_on_uncheck_itemWhether or not the notification should be sent when an item is unchecked.true / false
notify_on_deadlineWhether or not the notification should be sent when the deadline approaches.true / false
deadline_threshold_hoursnotify_on_deadline has to be enabled for this option to work. The amount of hours before the deadline end, which triggers the notification.true / false
batch_intervalThe schedule on which the notifications should be sent.immediate / fifteen_minutes / hourly / daily

Response Codes

Response Body & CodeWhat it means
201Created successfully
400Bad request
404Resource not found
500Server error

Rate Limiting

We have implemented a rate limting to the API of 120 actions (not requests) per minute. Keep in mind that one request can trigger multiple actions. For example checking or unchecking items will actually trigger 4 actions. This is due to the real-time nature of the plugin, triggering multiple methods at once to always show and save up-to-date data.

Thatโ€™s it, youโ€™re done! If you encounter any problems, hit us up at hello@magicplugins.io.

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