Wanna know what has been changed up until today? Here you will find the official changelog of our plugins. Since MagicChecklists is still the only one, you will only find one changelog here.
Custom drawer appearance!
Select the “custom” theme in the checklist settings and you will now be presented a lot of new options to completely customize the appearance of the drawer.
Set list items to "in progress!"
For easier and more consistent collaboration, you can now toggle the “in progress” status for each individual list item.
Deadlines on list item level!
You can now select a deadline for list items individually. This allows for a really granular deadline control for each task.
Drawer wouldn't work in all pagebuilders
We have noticed that the drawer wasn’t properly loaded when inside certain pagebuilders. A few adjustments to the loading logic and iframe check and we are back to normal. 😎
Shortcodes will now respect styling options correctly
We noticed an issue on shortcode styling, especially regarding the item spacing. Display:flex was somehow missing, now it works again.
API & Webhook
We have finally integrated the WordPress REST API into our plugin. We have our own endpoints, which you can use to connect your 3rd party tool to MagicChecklists! Take a look at our documentation to learn more.
Automatic Notifications
You’ve heard that right – you can now send notifications to a 3rd party tool! Currently we have integrations with Slack and Discord and will include Telegram in the next update. The API is also already usable, although not mentioned anywhere in the settings. We will make the next update focus on the API so you can connect any tool of your choice with MagicChecklists!
Shortcodes for Checklists
You can activate shortcodes for checklists for each checklist individually. You will be presented a bunch of styling options as well as conditions on what should be displayed inside the shortcode. You can also deactivate the drawer here, if you don’t need it. Works with every builder that supports shortcodes! Place your checklists anywhere!
Automatic Checklist Reset
You can now set a custom time schedule on which the checklist should reset automatically. This way list items will automatically be unchecked again, perfect for repetitive tasks.
Checklist Conditions
Expanding the access and permission control update from v1.2, you can now set custom conditions for the checklist to be loaded. You can choose between everywhere, wordpress related pages (like dashboard, settings etc.) and even insert custom URLs / URL patterns!
Toggle through checklists
There is a new settings page available inside the plugin pages, so you can activate / deactivate this for all checklists globally. If enabled, you will see 2 arrows inside the drawer, making it easier to toggle through all open checklists without needing to press any shortcuts or floating buttons.
Tags & Colors
What are checklists without any proper organization? Well, we’ve got you covered. You can now better organize your checklists using tags with associated colors.
Finally you can properly get rid of all MagicChecklists related data when uninstalling this plugin. We won’t leave any junk behind in your database, when this is enabled in the new settings page.
Switch form appearance
You can switch between top to bottom and side by side appearance on the checklist creation / edit form.
Removed the active checklist limit
You can now have as many active checklists as you want.
Granular Access and Permission Control is finally here!
Set precise access and permission controls on user roles, individual users, invite link users and on public checklists as well! You can get very granular and pick just the right access and permission needed for each checklist individually.
Locking Mechanism
Since multiple users can now edit the same checklist, we need to be consistent with saving the checklist. The locking mechanism is automatically applied on all users with Edit permissions, so that only 1 user can edit the checklist at the same time. This way we ensure data consistency across all users and changes not getting lost anymore.
We have overhauled the checklist creation process
You will now face a clean, streamlined multip-step form to create and edit checklists. Better UI, more productivity boosted.
Some minor fixes in the codebase for better maintainability and scalablity
Got too excited adding the public checklist handling methods
We forgot about non-public checklists. ‘Per User’ checked state handling now works again for non-public checklists.
Clickable Links and More
You can now paste URLs into a list item and it will be converted into a hyperlink automatically. Additionally you can select any existing text which will trigger a link insertion popup. This way you can turn any text into a hyperlink!
Rate Limiting
You can now optionally enable rate limits for your checklists individually. This is especially handy for public checklists on websites that are prone to bots or spamers.
Got rid of the CDN depency for SortableJS
It is now its own file.
Now we will focus fully on the granular access and permission control system
This will also include a complete overhaul of the current checklist creation process. We will make it way more userfriendly and appealing to use. Think of multi step forms. Stay tuned. 👀
You have to set a trigger for your checklist to open when updating to the latest version
This is because you can now decide to either use only shortcuts, only floating buttons or both.
UI changes of the drawer to make it easier to use, especially on mobile
A user has notified us that the mobile version could need some adjustments. Here they are.
Introducing part 1 of the granular access control: Public Access
Enable public access to your checklist. Visitors can open it either through the shortcut, or through a floating button. Visitors can check off items, uncheck them again and rearrange the order of list items. Every user will have their own checked state handling (per user). An example can be seen on the MagicPlugins website.
Floating Buttons
Now you can decide how checklists should open. Switch on/off Shortcuts (the standard way) and Floating Buttons. You can use both at the same time.
Fixed a small loading issue within Bricksbuilder, where 2 instances of checklists were loaded
Now it correctly loads one instance in the main DOM and propagates shortcut inputs from within the Bricks iframe to the Bricks main DOM.
Added a priority selector on checklist and list item level
Priorities will be visible by an indicating color OR number.
Small UI update
Remove button and drag handle will now only be visible while hovering over an item.
Complete restructure of the codebase
It’s now modular to allow granular control over what files should load on which trigger. This is also the first step towards Granular Access control.
We finally made it! This update marks the first official release of MagicChecklists!
After a few rounds of Beta testing we finally made it to the official release. Hope you peeps enjoy!
A little confetti animation when checking off all list items.
A small animation will automatically play when you check all items in your checklist. Just a little congratulations to feel good.
Minor optical improvements
We implemented a few visual enhancements especially in the plugin admin area. Just so you can work faster and have less confusion while creating checklists.
Limit of active checklists set from 5 to 10. There is a limit in the first place to keep performance lightning fast.
Raised the limit to 10 active checklists. This limit will be completely removed in a future update, when the foundation is 100% solid.